Friday, December 14, 2012

Woman Lives in Shipping Container

An Argentinian woman named Lulu and her daughter are currently living in a 360 sq ft shipping container that has been completely remodeled for it to be livable in a Californian farmland. It includes a small living area, a play room for her daughter, a separate  bedroom shack for herself and her daughter and a working kitchen & bathroom. She attained the shipping container for free and spent a total of $4000 to remodel the whole space. Lulu chose this lifestyle when she got fed up with working hard to pay her rent and make ends meet so she decided to get creative, took a trip to the junkyard and created this small but livable area. Although the idea is outstanding, this type of design might not work in areas where the winter temperatures are below 0 degrees (the dreadful Canadian winters, buurrr!) but the idea of re-using materials that some consider to have no purpose (aka recycling) into our building projects can be very beneficial and lower the consumption of materials that are harmful to the environment and could this possibly be applied somehow in the housing industry? would it have a positive or negative effect for both the environmental and economic purposes? hmmm! something to consider....

Check out the 9 minute video below, interesting stuff!

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