Friday, December 14, 2012

Fog= Drinking Water

Many Canadians are very privileged to have running water accessible to the  24/7, but in many countries around the world that is not the case. Most developing countries do not have clean, drinkable water for people to consume, and they will end drinking water that is filthy and can harm their health. A Canadian organization called Fog Quest have been able to supply a new way of producing clean, drinking water for these countries, the technology is called fog catching and how it works is that large, fine nets are installed vertically on a filed with a gutter at the bottom and when fog droplets hit the net they are trapped and collected in a container which can supply running, clean water to many villages and homes. Although this is such a great product that can be beneficial to many developing countries, this can also be applied in many developed countries as well since we do live in a time where we are running out of fresh water globally so we have to come up with new ideas (almost like a plan B) that we can produce fresh drinking water that will help us if in the future we were to run out of it.

© tony.makepeace
Vertical nets that capture the fog drops

Woman collecting water from the fog collection technology

Video Explaining Fog Quest's Mission

All info and images from:

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